Classes for Beginners

Upon starting, you attend classes for beginners. These classes allow you to train slowly and safely. Since everyone is treated as an individual, you progress at your own pace consistent with your ability and level of fitness.

Physical fitness and Coordination

Marudào Karate is an excellent way to get in shape and stay in shape. The training is progressive and tailored to the individual, so even the unfit can enjoy the process of getting into shape. It is an aerobic exercise that strengths your heart and cardiovascular system. It trims you down while you firm up by developing muscle tone and strength.

Exercises incorporating all parts of the body will develop co-ordination and fluidity of movement


Marudào Karate teaches you to use your entire body as a weapon, developing the ability to defend yourself. Marudáo Karate will help you against the hazards of everyday living

Personal Growth and Development

Over time you will see yourself approach problems and challenges in your life much differently. Looking back on your training experience you will notice that you have grown and developed in all aspects of your life, as seen in your personal relationships at home and at work

Flexible Payment Terms

We offer monthly or quarterly payment options. You can also set up an automatic payment or pay via Eftpos.