Marudào Karates 3 main principles are based on Family, Love, and Support. These are represented by the linking of arms within the circle.
There may be times in your life when you feel you are better than others, or times when you feel despondent especially if you see others excelling ahead of you. This is not a healthy way of living as we are all different in so many ways, from our ability to learn, age, gender, culture, weight, height, etc. We must not fall into this trap of comparing ourselves against others. The only comparison you should be making is with yourself.
Marudào Karate is a reflection of just how life is. Learning together while showing respect and appreciation for one another. In this style, you take from it what you want and make it your own. It’s not a style that says you have to be a certain way. Marudào Karate allows you the opportunity to surround yourself with like-minded people of all ages, gender and cultures, while seeking the everlasting goal for personal achievement.